My trailer
So, I've had my trailer for over two weeks now. I've been able to do some work, but not as much as I feel I should have. We've been getting a lot of rain lately, and I'm building outside, so... I have to find other things to do in the meantime.
Okay, so the flat facts: trailer is 24' long, 100" wide, dual 5400 lb axles. Legally I could have gone 102", but this leaves me an inch on either side for exterior sheathing and siding, which I think has to fit in the 102". As I wrote in a previous post, by my interpretation, I'm also allowed six inches of "appurtenenaces" on either side, so I'm going to have a small eave on each side that will stick outside of 6" from the siding.
my trailer is parked and ready for the build to begin
I had the trailer custom built by BNM Trailer in Hollister, Michigan, about 40 minutes from where I live. I think they did a great job. It's solid. My only regret is that it didn't occur to me beforehand to ask for the ribs to be mounted to the bottom of the rails. This would have made framing the floor (to provide nailing surfaces for the subfloor) easier. Maybe next time.
it would have been easier to mount the subfloor nailing frame if the ribs were located at the bottom of the frame rails
First order of business: drilling holes. Lots of holes. Mostly for carriage bolts, but on the end piece, I couldn't get inside to attach a nut, so I drilled smaller holes and tapped them to size.
The tail piece, I tapped its holes
Another thing I would change is the fenders. These will be a pain in the butt to work around and seal. If I had it to do over, I would have had a rectangle framed over the wheels instead of a traditional fender. It would have made things easier.
Overall pretty happy with it and how things are going.