Baths vs. Showers

There's something about a bath, amiright? They're so classic, and classy.  Think about all the famous baths in history, like this one,

Jean-Paul Marat stabbed through the heart by Charlotte Corday in a bathtub (painted by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry) Jean-Paul Marat stabbed through the heart by Charlotte Corday in a bathtub (painted by Paul-Jacques-Aimé Baudry)

Or this one

The bathtub Jim Morrison died in The bathtub Jim Morrison died in

Or this one

Archimede's discovering displacement, in a tub Archimedes discovering displacement, in a tub

What happens in a shower? Nothing good!

This is what happens when loose women shower This is what happens when loose women shower

Ha ha, jokes. But seriously, bathtubs are more practical than shower stalls in a lot of ways. Say you decide to pull your tiny house off into the woods for a couple weeks.  How are you going to shower? Showers need water pressure and plumbing. Bathtubs just need water.  If you have access to water (from a stream or pond or whatever), you can bring the water into your house, pour it in the tub and BAM!, you have a bath. (This is assuming it's cold outside and you can't just jump in the lake.)  You don't have to mess around with getting it into your pipes.  There are ways around it.  You can have a camping shower --an extra thing you have to own, because your regular shower is inadequate. You can put the water into your house water supply/reserve, then turn on a pump to get it through the heater and into the shower, but now you've contaminated your drinking water supply.  It's a lot simpler with a bathtub.

With a bathtub, you don't need water pressure, you don't need a water heater. You don't need potable water, unless you're the sort of weirdo who drinks his bathwater (ew). One big bucket of room temperature water, one big bucket of water heated over a fire (or on a stove), pour them both in the tub and you're good to go. Baths are simple. That's why everyone from pioneers to Presidents took baths, not showers, until the modern age when indoor plumbing advanced enough to make showers feasible.

Why do people take showers again? Oh yeah, they're quicker. You can take a quick shower every day before rushing off to work. How civilized. But you can do the same thing in a bathtub with a shower head. The difference is you can't take a bath in a shower stall.

My recommendation: make room for a tub.  A small one.  Maybe even a convertible one (normally covered, with storage stacked above it).